Curriculum Vitae: Meghan J. M. Caughey, MFA


Clinical Assistant Professor
Psychiatry Department
Oregon Health and Science University
Portland, Oregon

Professional Address:
Meghan Caughey Consulting, LLC
3618 Colony Oaks Drive
Eugene, Oregon 97405


Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, 1978
Trinity University
San Antonio, Texas

Master of Arts, Drawing and Painting, 1989
San Jose State University
San Jose, California

Master of Fine Arts, Pictorial Art, 1992
San Jose State University
San Jose, California


Qualified Mental Health Associate (QMHA) Oregon

Certified Peer Support Specialist, Oregon Health Authority

Certified Peer Wellness Specialist, Oregon Health Authority

Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (CPRP)


May 2011 – May 2022: Senior Director, Peerand Wellness Services, Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare, Portland, Oregon

November 2019: Co-investigator, TECSI Suicide Prevention Project, Icahn School of Medicine, Psychiatry Department

2008-Present: Meghan Caughey Consulting, LLC

2012 –2018: Adjunct Faculty, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon

2007-2011: Peer Wellness Coordinator, Benton County Health Services, Corvallis, Oregon

2010-2012: President, Board of Directors, Mental Health Association, Oregon

2007: Peer Advocate, Assistant Coordinator, Laurel Hill Center, Pathways Program, Eugene, Oregon

1993-95: Instructor, Linn-Benton Community College, Corvallis, Oregon

1992-93: Teaching Associate, San Jose University, San Jose, California

1991: Artist in Residence, Freedom School, Freedom, California

1991: Instructor, SPECTRA Arts Program, Santa Cruz County, Santa Cruz, California

1987: Instructor, San Jose Museum Art School, San Jose, California

1985: Activities Director, Our Lady of Fatima Villa, Saratoga, California


February 2007: Peer Mentoring Certification/GOBHI (Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc.) Wheeler-Morrow, Inc.

November 2007: Civil Commitment Investigator Training, Oregon Department of Human Services

November 2008: Jill Williams MD – Tobacco Dependence Treatment for the Mentally Ill


2012: Cascadia Peer and Wellness Services sub-awardee in Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Health Commons Grant

2012: Cascadia Peer Wellness workforce implementation, SAMHSA Integration Grant

2011: Kaiser Permanente/Northwest Health Foundation Community Fund grant to Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare to implement peer-delivered, wellness-oriented workforce.

2008: Oregon Addictions and Mental Health Peer-delivered Services Block Grant to fund Benton County Peer Wellness Specialist Training Program and Peer Specialist Workforce.

1985: Oregon Arts Commission grant to provide art instruction to mental health participants and exhibit their work.


Caughey Meghan, JM, Mud Flower: Surviving Schizophrenia and Suicide through Art

  • 2021 winner Pencraft Award
  • 2022Firebird Book Award
  • 2022 Literary Titan Book Award
  • 2022 Journey -Chanticleer Finalist
  • 2022 International Book Awards
  • 2022 eLit Awards
  • 2022 The Bookfest Awards
  • 2022 American Writing Awards
  • 2022 Royal Dragonfly Book Award
  • 2022 The Wishing Shelf Book Award
  • 2023 The Chrysalis Brew Project Winner
  • 2023 New York Book Awards Winner

Caughey, M. On Dignity and Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services, 2019

Caughey, M. Creating Deep Democracy through Peer Wellness Services, Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, Spring 2014.

Caughey, M. Making Art, Exploring Madness. Psychiatric Services. February 2011.

Caughey, M. The Value of Unrecovery. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Winter 2010.

Caughey, M. Peers Lead the Way. National Council on Community Behavioral Healthcare Magazine. Winter 2010

Caughey, M. Creating a Culture of Wellness. The Synergist. Winter/Spring 2009-2010

Caughey, M. The Wellness Model. Psychiatric Services. October 2008.

Caughey, M. It’s About Mental Illness. Corvallis Gazette Times. May 23, 2008.

Mural Seeks to Build Community. Corvallis Gazette Times. September 19, 2006.

Redrawing Our Image of Schizophrenia. The Oregonian. May 30, 2005.

“The Art of Meghan Caughey: Visionary Art.” Clinical Psychiatry News. March 2005.

Peer Reviewed Journal Publication: Co-author, Academic Psychiatry 2021, Teaching Suicide Risk Assessment: Spotlight on the Therapeutic Relationship

“A Picture Album”, Second Place, Paul G. Quinnett Lived Experience Writing Competition, American Association of Suicidology 2018


Caughey, M. “The Truth about Madness.” SAMSHA 10×10 Wellness Publication. 2009.

P. Jamieson. Mindrace, Oxford University Press. (illustration). 2008.

Schizophrenia Bulletin, cover illustration, September 2007.

F. Goodwin, Kay Redfield Jamison. Manic Depressive Illness. Oxford University Press. (Illustration). 2007.

P. Armstrong, “I-Openers”, Illustrations


2023 Oregon Psychiatric Physicians Association, Schizophrenia and Suicide and Art

2023 Public Psychiatry Training Program, The Consumer Perspective Through Art

2020 Grand Rounds, “Suicide and Schizophrenia“, Oregon Health and Science University

2020 American Association of Suicidology, Annual Conference, Making Art, Finding Hope

2019 Oregon Health and Science University, Psychiatry Residents Retreat, “Art, Jive, and Mo

2018, 2019 Grit and Grace Conference, “The Lotus-Metaphor and Art” Women’s Mental Health

2017 Grand Rounds, “Peer Delivered Services“, Oregon Health and Science University

2016 Health Ignite, “Peer Power”, Technology Association of Oregon

2014 National Association of Peer Specialists. Art, Jive, and Mo.

2014 Southwest Mental Health Providers Annual Conference, Tucson, Arizona. Keynote Address.

2011 Michigan Peer Specialists Organization Annual Conference. Keynote Address.

2011 National Council for Behavioral Health. Peer Specialists Lead the Way

2009 National Center for Trauma –Informed Care, Washington DC, Art and Trauma

2009 National Council for Behavioral Health, Washington, DC. Two Innovative Programs Addressing Wellness

2009 SAMHSA Alternatives Conference. Art and Recovery.

2008 Mental Health America Annual Conference, Washington, DC. Peer Support Innovation.

2007 American Psychiatric Association annual meeting, 2007. San Diego, California. A Consumer Perspective.

2007 National Alliance on Mental Illness, Houston, Texas and New York City, New York. Wellness Matters.

2007 Mental Health America, Washington, DC. Peer Delivered Services and Health.

2007 SAMHSA Alternatives Conference. Art and Recovery.

2006 SAMHSA Alternatives Conference. Art and Recovery.

2004 American Psychiatric Association, annual meeting, New York City. A Discussion on Premature Mortality and Mental Illness.


2011: Oregon Public Health Division, Oregon Health Authority Joe Weller Guardian Award for Outstanding Leadership in Tobacco Control

2011: Oregon Association of County Mental Health Programs, Outstanding Advocacy in Mental Health

2010: Alternatives Conference Howie the Harp Award for Outstanding Advocacy

2018: Mental Health Hero Award, Trillium Health Services

2020: Oregon Health and Science University, Department of Neurology, Brain Art


Professional Affiliations

Zero Suicide Work Group, Oregon Health and Science University

Oregon Health Policy Board, Healthcare Workforce Committee

Mental Health Clinical Advisory Group, Oregon Health Authority

ASHA International Advisory Board Member

Traditional Health Worker Commission—Vice Chair

Dual Diagnosis Anonymous—Vice President

Oregon Health Authority -Non-traditional Health Worker Steering Committee

Oregon Health Authority Office of Equity and Inclusion, Non-traditional Health Worker Workgroup

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Wellness Initiative National Steering Committee

SAMHSA Wellness Steering Committee Research and Evaluation Subcommittee

Mental Health America of Oregon Board of Directors (Legislative Liaison)

Governor’s Healthcare System Transformation Team

Oregon State Medicaid Advisory Committee

Department of Human Services, Oregon. Addictions and Mental Health Division, Health Integration Workforce

Benton County Cultural Coalition Board Member

San Antonio, Texas -Crisis Line volunteer

Guilty Except for Insanity Documentary Advisory Group

VISIONS: A.R.T. Art for Resilience and Transformation. Founder and chair, Board of Directors

International Association of Peer Support Specialists